10 Ways To Improve Ecommerce Conversion Rate (Ad Click Pro)

Conversion rate is the most important metric for e-commerce businesses to measure return on investment (ROI). Average e-commerce conversion rates are around 1–2.5%, but we are getting a 3.75% conversion rate for e-commerce from Google Ads.

If you do everything right on product pages and run Google Ads with proper structure and strategy, you can get a good conversion rate.


Here are 10 tips to improve the conversion rate for e-commerce online stores.


1 Use HD-Quality Product Images And Videos:

As we know, users can’t touch the product while shopping online, so the best thing is to use high-quality, different angle images. So users can better visualize the product from all sides. If possible, use product videos too, so the customer knows exactly what they are getting. It helps you improve the conversion rate. 


2 Use Competitive Price:

Product prices matter a lot when your competitors are selling the same products. If you want to beat them, increase sales and conversion rates, work smartly on your product price.


3 Implement Live Chat Functionality On The Website:

Live chat support is interacting with customers to help them get answers to their questions quickly. After getting all the answers, the user could make a quick decision to purchase the product.


4 Make Easy Structure Your Site:

Always make an easy and simple structure for your e-commerce website and use a proper structure for your product categories that helps users find products quickly on websites and place orders.


5 Optimize Website Loading Speed:

Most users leave a slow e-commerce site, so if your website’s loading speed is poor, it could have a bad impact on the conversion rate. Keep your website’s loading speed fast on all devices to get a high conversion rate.


6 Use Detailed Product Descriptions:

Make sure you describe the product in great detail, including product benefits, specifications, uses, etc., so that customers know precisely what they are getting.


7 User Reviews:

According to statistics accumulated by Econsultancy, customer reviews are 12 times more trusted than product descriptions. 70% of shoppers are more likely to make a purchase from an eCommerce website with reviews because they trust their peers.


8 Promotions And Offers:

Using special offers and promotions in an online store is a powerful strategy for increasing eCommerce conversion rates. The power of “free” or “pay less, get more” has a psychological trigger in the mind, which can drive shoppers to buy more just to gain free shipping or pay half for another product.


Examples of effective promotions and special offers include:

  • Percentage-Based Discounts
  • Free Shipping
  • Buy One, Get One Free

9  Include a FAQ section:

Including FAQs on each product page is hugely beneficial for business owners and customers. Users can easily search for answers to questions or concerns, which is extremely helpful to establish trust and improve the conversion rate.


10  High-Light Product Return Policy:

The majority of customers read the return policy before buying the product. You should mention the return policy precisely to win the trust of users, so they can buy products without hesitation.


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