Google Ads Performance

New Set-up Google Ads Account Performance:

Spend $7.181.40 On Google Ad spend Get Back $36,680.67 with 5.11 ROAS in 38 Days

Hey, guys I just wanted to share my 38 days story on how I started a Google ads campaign for my client apparel store and went from $0 to $36,680.67 in sales in 38 Days.


First Phase Product Optimization:

In the first phase, we optimized products to give them a better shape. Optimized product title, description, images and implement advanced functionality that attracts to users place orders.


Testing Phase:

To start off, I set up a standard shopping campaign with manual CPC and refined search terms, optimized demographic, geographic. With the 20% budget had found best selling, average selling and not selling products. Also compiled a list of the converted search terms.


Set New Campaign & Optimizing:

Setup search campaign with the converted search terms and added worm keywords. Refine additional search terms and improve impression share to boost traffic & sale volume. Set up smart shopping campaigns for top-selling products and keep average selling products in the standard campaigns. Now we have enough audience data in GA to run retargeting campaigns.


Scaling Phase:

Here I just scaled what was performing. I increased my budget by 20% to 30% twice a week and I got consistent good ROAS.


Currently, we are doing $36,680.67 in sales with $7.181.40 ads spent


Current strategy:

Scaling with current winner products and testing new products to find more winners. Our target to spend 4k a day with 4x ROAS.